Friday, January 16, 2009

Chuckie cheese

The kids did really well on report cards. They tried hard, and showed good citizenship and character. Every morning before they head off to their classes, I tell them remember who you are and make good choices. Dillinger said, what do you mean remember who you are? I said what do you think it means? Well, at church I am a child of God, so at school I am a Noble. I said okay so remember who you are? I then reminded him that you are always a child of God no matter where you are.

So to celebrate their sucess in making good choices we decided to head off to chuckie cheese. (not the best pizza but I had a coupon and the games are only a quarter. The kids quote me on the propaganda they have seen on the subject. That you know mom at Chuckie Cheese a kid can be a kid.

Thank goodness for the laptop. The kids like it when I bring it. It means I will let them play longer because I can occupy my time. Plus i get a little work done.

all that work for one ticket?
yea heidi's a pro. an old timer

If Dillinger can do it, Harley will. She is still sort of afraid of them.
I dared Dillinger to go stand by the puppet and let me take his picture. He said mom that's so uncool they're so not real. He did it anyway. Yep he's a Noble. Didn't back down from a dare. OR he was just making his mom happy. Good boy son.
YEA! she loved the rides.
Hemi's first "ride" getting her broke in for Disneyland.
Heidi hit the jackpot in tickets.
SHH don't tell the doc but she's been eating table food for a long time (can even drink soda from a straw)
Dillinger and Harley playing against each other.


  1. You're a great mom. I love what Dillinger said about being a child of God at church and a Noble at school. So cute!

  2. gotta love dillingers boots and shorts

  3. Dillinger and Harley LOVE their boots!

  4. Cute kids, that is funny that we are o
    opposite eachother, I am glad I got a girl, but wish she would have had a sister, sad when they are alone, I know My brother wished he had a brother, but he got 3 sisters.
