Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It has only been 2 years

Sorry I have not been great at updating this. Okay lets be honest well over TWO years. But as I recommit to what is important I would like to keep a log of our family activities. There is no way I can go back and add to what has transpired but hope to start from here. As you can see the kids have grown quite a bit. Heidi is almost ready to start Young womens. Dillinger is now a cub scout. Harley is in 1t grade and Hemi attends preschool.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Various pictures from my phone. Random... C:

Grandma's b-day I believe 51 photos....

Our new home

We have been in our home for a month. This is it empty. We love it so much and feel very blessed that we have been able to save up and find a home that is "perfect" for our family. The number one reason we wanted to move was to get our kids in an area where they would have a ample youth within the church. We are also close to john's family. It is a little bit further for me but I still see them all the time.

Our home is 6 bedrooms 3700+ sq ft. We even have a room for the year supply. All rooms have a walk in closet excpet the year supply room. Each kid has their own room and they love it until night time. Then the home gets really big, with strange sounds. So, they congregate into heidi's room and sleep at night. Our loft is a room within itself. They kids have a great time. We are really appreciative of our home and feel very blessed.
Standing in the kitchen looking toward the family room.
Living room looking down from the loft. That's the front door.
The other side of the kitchen
Kitchen. We have installed brand new appliances.
dining room leads to dog run out back.
On the left is the dining room, in the back the family room
Master bedroom
Master bathroom
Play pool
One corner from of the loft stairs are on the rights
Harley and Hemi's room looking from the loft
Harley's room. Hemi's looks the same just next door.
dillinger's room
Heidi's room. It is a second master bedroom without the bathroom. She loves her room!
Front of the house.
Walking in from the front door.

First Day of School

Even though we moved, I have kept the kids in school where I work. It is a great place and makes it easier on me to attend their functions. They have amazing teachers and great programs. This is Harley's first year although she did attend the preschool last year. Yea for school and routines.
The kids are headed off to school or Ms. Wendy's.
Hemi in her second year at Ms. Wendy's home.
Dillinger in 1st grade with Mrs. Eldredge at Sevilla Primary.
Heidi in 5th Garde with Mr. Parks at Sevilla West.
Harley in Kindergarten with Mrs. Davidson at Sevilla Primary.

Hemi and the kitchen

Hemi loves to play in the kithen we have upstairs.

Hemi and her caffine addiction

All summer long the kids and I share a 52OZ soda refill that we pass in the car because it is a mere 115 outside. I know I should be drinking water and so should they but water is so blah..... anyway we all share with Hemi. In August I went back to work and Hemi went to her sitter she has known since 8 months old. The sitter said she is really crab and so not like the Hemi i knew in May. I said she is a little expressive, even though she doesn't have words, but normally she is a pretty easy going kid. The next day she said she was fiesty again today. I called me mom just to talk and told her about Hemi and what might be the problem. Then she said she was off to get her refill. My mom shouted, "THAT'S IT" I bet Hemi is going through caffine withdraws at the sitter. She went all summer drinking soda and now she gets a sip in the morning and not another until 5:00pm. So the next day I dropped Hemi off at the sitter but armed with a coke this time. I said when she gets crabby giver her a little of this in her sippy cup. Ms. Wendy said really. I said yes, I am trying out an experiment. Sure enough when I picked her up she said she had a WONDERFUL day. I laughed but was so embarrassed that my little 18 month old needs her caffine fix to. I guess it is just signs of the times. Okay that is what I am telling myself because I don't want to face the fact I don't qualify for the title; Mother of the Year. So, when I take Hemi to Ms. Wendy's she asks did you bring her "fix" or when I pick her up she will remind me to bring her special drink. Ever since we figured it out; Hemi is back to her normal happy self.

Moral of the story~ Thank goodness for Caffine.

This is her at 9 months.